Top 7 Brain Training Apps for University Students

With all the distractions within a student’s reach, it has become challenging for them to focus on studying. In this article, we feature the top 7 brain training apps for students that will boost a student’s IQ. These apps will help them learn while having fun.

Learning is a complicated process. While the good, old cramming one night before the exam might work for some, most of us would benefit from a more comprehensive approach.




In fact, several studies have shown a correlation between the development of cognitive skills and success in standardized testing. So, how can you prepare for an exam?

Fortunately, there are lots of online tools that can make studying and exam prep easier. From time tracking apps to brain training games, there are several digital instruments that can help you achieve higher test scores.

What is the best app for brain training? There is no one-for-all answer. As we all have different abilities to retain studied information, finding the best brain training apps for our specific goals is highly individual. Luckily, there are lots of tools to choose from. Below, we will introduce you to five brain training apps for students that can be particularly useful for them.


1. Lumosity Training App for Students

As a university student, you need to take a holistic approach to training your brain. This is where Lumosity’s strength lies. It is a learning app that focuses on exercising five areas of cognitive education—attention, memory, speed, flexibility, and problem-solving.

However, this app does more than that. You can customize its features based on the goals you want to achieve.

Let’s say that you want to strengthen a specific area of your memory. You can customize Lumosity’s exercises to help you remember people’s names better or learn new subjects quickly. What’s great about this app is it adapts to your learning process as you become more proficient in certain areas.

If you wish, you can go back to games that you enjoy or advance to the next exercise.


2. LearnDiscovery Training App for Students

LearnDiscovery is an all-round learning app that covers a wide range of subjects. What’s more, it does so in an interesting new way — by using the so-called “knowledge maps”. Knowledge maps are a great way to study for visual learners.

Each map includes a selection of images with related information on the topic. The app contains over four million knowledge maps with photographs, paintings, videos, links, and informative blurbs.

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The main goal of the app is to pair useful information on the subject you are studying with visuals that makes memorizing facts much easier.

When you find a lesson that you particularly like or want to keep going over it, you can save it to your “personal atlas”.


3. QuotEd Training App for Students

Do you want to improve your comprehension skills? If so, try using QuotEd. It will test your reading comprehension based on the various levels of standardized tests like the LSAT, SAT, or the GRE. You can customize QuotEd based on the standardized test level you want to reach.

You also receive daily questions to answer to keep your brain training consistent. QuotEd also comes with a quiz mode that lets you go through more comprehensive and longer sets of questions.


4. Fit Brains Trainer

The Fit Brains Trainer app is powered by Rosetta Stone. It focuses on brain training games that target five key learning areas: concentration, problem solving, memory, visuals and speed. There are different levels in each category (beginner, intermediate, and advanced).

However, you will only be able to move up a level once you’ve completed the previous one.

Some of the tasks might seem a bit random — but the app makes it clear what you are learning in each game. For example, by counting randomly arranged sets of blocks, you will be able to increase your mind’s ability to make estimations under pressure.


5. Daily Art

If you are looking to focus on your creative side, Daily Art can help. This free training app for students will inspire you with a daily selection of classic art pieces. Each painting includes related information on the artist and the story behind the piece itself. Plus, there is a link for further details if you’d like to learn more.

Daily Art is a great way to learn about the art world without putting too much pressure on yourself. It will also help you discover interesting facts about a variety of art pieces that may come in handy in a conversation or college interview.


6. is meant for those who want to learn a new language or improve their language learning skills. With this training app for students, you can start learning a wide selection of languages from French and Spanish to Chinese and Arabic.

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However, there is one condition. One of the languages you want to work with (either the one you are learning or the way you want to learn in) must be English. 

The app is mostly focused on expanding your vocabulary in your chosen language. You can start collecting words with the app’s built-in dictionary and will later be quizzed on what you’ve learned. You can also make custom flashcards with words and pictures for better visual stimulation.

Plus, the app suggests related articles for you to read in or about the language you are learning.


7. Gojimo

Gojimo is the ultimate platform for getting ready for a big important test. The app is loaded with all sorts of study guides and covers over 100,000 quiz questions. You can start by simply running a quick search for the subject you are about to be tested on.

Alternatively, you can randomly test your knowledge in an area of your choice. If you want to make things interesting, you can use the app’s built-in timer to see how quickly you can cope with the task.

If the competition gets you motivated, you can connect to your friends who are also using the app and compare test scores.

Naturally, this is not an exhaustive list of training apps for students who want to improve their learning process. In fact, there are a lot more IQ boosting tools that can help you study faster, memorize better, and stay focused for longer.

The key is to keep your mind open to new study methods, try them, and adopt what works for you.