Fix a “The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable” Printer Error

The new Windows OS is super compatible with printers.

However, many users have been facing a printer error that says “The Active Directory Domain Service is currently unavailable.”

This error is blocking the computer from detecting the printer, hence preventing it from connecting to it. If you are facing the same issue, worry not.

In this guide, you will find the best solutions there are to solve this printer error.


Ways to Fix the Error

Simply restarting the computer and the hardware does not fix this problem. You might be thinking about calling a professional.

However, this post offers you everything you need to fix it yourself.

There are mainly three ways in which you can fix this printer error. Follow the solutions below in a sequential order to avoid any more complications.


Solution 1: Check the Network Installation

Sometimes, the problem can be very simple. So, it is always best to check whether the printer is properly connected or not.

Follow the steps below to check your printer status on your Windows computer.

  • Press the Windows logo key + R to launch the Run application
  • In the dialogue box, type control and then press Enter to launch the Control Panel
  • Set the view type to Large icons
  • Now locate the Devices and Printers option and click on it
  • You will be able to see two categories, i.e. Devices and Printers
  • See if your printer is present in the list; if it is, then double-click on it to check if it is connected or not
  • If it is not present, then click on the Add a printer option and then select your device from the list to add it

If this connects your printer to the computer, then you will be able to use your printer normally.

The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable

However, if you are unable to connect your printer and the error message keeps on appearing, then proceed to the next solution no.2.


Solution 2: Run the Windows Printer Troubleshooter

Running the built-in Windows printer troubleshooter is the most direct way to fix this problem.

The troubleshooter will scan the computer for any corrupted and damaged files in the system and fix it.

Follow the simple instructions below to run the built-in Windows printer troubleshooter:

  • Go to the Windows search menu and in the dialogue box type Troubleshoot and press Enter
  • The Settings window will be open and you will be able to see a list of troubleshooting options
  • Locate the Printer option, click on it to expand it, and then click on the Run the troubleshooter button
  • Wait for the process to complete
  • Once the process is complete, try printing again
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If the troubleshooter solves the printer error, you will be able to easily use your printer to print whatever you like.

However, if you still encounter the same error, then proceed to the next solution no. 3.


Solution 3: Change Printer Spooler Settings

The first way is to change the printer spooler service settings from the services window.

Sometimes, due to updates, this may change and can cause problems like this. Therefore, changing its functions to automatic should fix the problem.

Follow the simple instructions below to change the printer spooler settings:

  • Press the Windows logo key + R to launch the Run application
  • In the dialogue box, type msc and press Enter to launch the Services window
  • Scroll down the list of services and locate the service with the name Printer Spooler
  • Right-click on the Printer Spooler service and then click on the start option from the pop-up listChanging Printer Spooler Settings
  • After the Printer spooler service restarts, double-click on it to launch its Properties
  • In the Printer spooler properties window, set the Startup type to Automatic
  • Now click on Apply and then OK to save and exit
  • Close the services window and try printing again

If your device connects and you are able to print, then this solves the printer error. However, if you are still facing the same issue, then try the next solution.


Solution 4: Fixing through Registry Editor

If the above solution did not work, then you have to make use of the registry editor to fix the printer error.

In this method, you will have to give full permission to a few system functions.

Follow these instructions carefully to fix this printer error using the Windows registry editor:

  • Press the Windows logo key + R to launch the Run application
  • In the dialogue box, type regedit and then press Enter to launch Registry Editor window
  • If you are prompted for permission, click on Yes to proceed
  • Navigate through the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion
  • In the CurrentVersion folder, locate a folder named Devices
  • Right-click on Devices and then click on Permissions from the pop-up list
  • A window named Permission for Devices will open; select your account from the list and then check the box next to allow Full Control
  • Click on Apply and then OK to save and exit
  • Now, again in the CurrentVersion folder, locate PrinterPorts, right-click on it, and then click on Permissions
  • Again, select your account, check the box next to Full Control, and then click on Apply > OK to save and exit
  • Locate the next folder named Windows and then follow the same steps to give it full control permission
  • After everything is complete, close the Registry Editor and all other open applications and restart your computer
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After your computer restarts, try using your printer again. If this solution works, you will be able to easily connect your computer to the printer.

You will be able to use its printing functions. If nothing else works, this should definitely solve your problem.



“The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable” is a printer error that blocks your computer from connecting to your printer.

Simply restarting your computer and device does not fix this problem.

Luckily, the most efficient solutions are present in this guide. You can try checking the network installation to make sure your printer is properly connected.

Launch the printer troubleshooter to fix any internal problems.

If that doesn’t help, then you can try to solve the problem by changing the printer spooler service settings.

You can give full control permission to a few system devices using the registry editor.