How to Protect Your Mobile Device Against Cyberattacks

The issue of  how to protect your mobile device against cyberattacks often comes up currently.

Stats show that only 56% of adults in the United States use passwords to protect their mobile devices.

This means that in the US alone, there’s a huge number of unsecured devices that store personal data, credit card and banking information, and other sensitive details.

With so many devices being so vulnerable, it’s easy to see why hackers and data harvesters are increasingly targeting smartphones.


While they often talk about online security, mobile security is a topic that’s less common.

And that needs to change.

The following tips will help you to keep your data safe on your mobile device and reduce the risk of a hack or cyberattack.

Install Mobile Data Security Software to  Protect Your Mobile Device Against Cyberattacks

Most people are aware of the risk taken when visiting a variety of unauthenticated websites on the internet.

Many of these websites may seem innocuous and relatively harmless at first glance, yet this is not always the case.

If your mobile device is unsecured, merely visiting certain sites can install malware.

Malicious email attachments and phishing attempts can also pose a threat to the security of your data.

The Tech Report recommends the installation and constant updating of anti-virus and firewall software to ensure stringent security against potential mobile data breaches.

Create Multiple Passwords for Blind Company Data

When you downloaded a new app, they often require to enter multiple lines of data such as email addresses, age statistics, birthdates, and in the case of e-commerce sites, banking details.

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All this data is what is known as blind data company.

The campany you provided it to can used this data for any lawful business purpose.

This means that the average person is handing out large volumes of data regularly to various apps and companies.

This blind data, otherwise known as ‘consumer data,’ is what most hackers and cyber criminals target in 2022.

Therefore, making use of multiple passwords for every app that you download is a smart way to protect your blind data that’s floating around the internet.

Educate Younger Generations About Data Security

Recent statistics from Pew Research shows that 37% of parents admit that their child (between the ages of 9 and 11) has their own smart mobile device.

This means that children, who most likely don’t think about the ramifications of data sharing and security, are targets of cybercrime.

This is further reinforced via survey reports released by McAfee in 2022.

They show that only 41% of children take safety precautions, such as password protection, when using their smartphones.

This is an obvious data security risk and one must educate children about the importance of mobile device security and the associated risks.

Always Stay Alert & Informed

Often cyberattacks happen through means that are inconspicuous, and they go unnoticed.

Use the above tips to protect and secure your personal data.

Always remain alert when making use of the internet and visiting unauthenticated or unsecured sites.

Thus, protecting personal data on your mobile device is an ongoing job, and even a small lapse can result in a major loss.