Cross-Browser Testing Tool: Importance and Benefits

Do you know what cross-browser testing is?

Let`s start from the point that a website is the face of any business.

And for the business, it is the most dependable means to reach its targeted customer or audience.

An internet browser is the means to reach a website.

Different browsers behave differently to the same website or link.




This is where the role of cross-browser testing comes into existence.

Cross-browser testing tools help a website controller to compare and analyze the behavior of the website in varied browser environments.

It is the most entrusted means to check whether or not your website is delivering optimum results when accessed through different browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Android, iOS, etc. 


Importance of Cross-Browser Testing 

Different browsers work while following different Open Web Standards.

This means every browser has its own means of interpretation.

That results in rendering JavaScript, HTML, and CSS in a unique way, which might not be the same as your previous browser. 

You will understand it this way better.

Suppose you are accessing a website through Safari.

When you try to load the link, you notice “safari cannot open this page”, or “this GIF could not be loaded”.

This is where the issue lies and needs to be fixed.

Such issues can only be pointed when you compare the results through a reliable cross-browser testing tool and fix the bug. 

The next step involves abstracting browser differences.

This is where the web developers need to work.

A dependable tool to check browser compatibility like the Comparium browser testing tool locates the browser-specific compatibility error allowing the developer to fix the bug at the earliest. 

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Why Should You Choose a Cross-Browser Tool Above Manual Testing?

Testing the performance of a website on different browsers isn’t a new thing for web developers.

Earlier it was done manually, which required quite a few systems, plus larger costs to test.

But now, the new way is using a web browser emulator for testing, and that is where you save both time and money.

Now the question is, how is using a browser testing tool better than doing it manually, here’s the explanation.




  • While you do the comparison manually, you would need various devices for different combinations and browser versions. This involves larger expenditure. However, while using a cross browsing tool like Comparium, you can do the needful with just one device. 
  • Manual comparison is time-consuming; it requires a lot of effort to do the same. Whereas, when you access your website performance through a cross browsing tool, you get quick and more apt results. The software does the work, and you get instant access. 
  • Manual testing requires the installation of various software at different steps, whereas, when you use a dependable cross browsing tool, you do not need to install any other software for any part of the process. This happens to be your all-in-one tool for cross-browser tests. 
  • The Comparium tool also works as a Screen resolution simulator which helps to check your website Resolution on various modern browsers.


Benefits of Using a Trustworthy Cross-Browser Tool

A web browser emulator for testing is a one-stop tool that is reliable and quick in delivering results.

It serves the purpose and lets the website attain optimum results for its business.

Here’s below are the sections that are benefitted the most;

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For a web developer, analyzing the performance of a website on various browsers manually can be a time taking and daunting task.

This is where the importance of an online tool comes into existence.

While the performance analysis is done through a web browser emulator, a lot of time and effort is saved, which results in fetching the optimum outcome.

The comparison and performance analysis is not just quick but also accurate. 


Site Owner

While you are using a web emulator for testing, you need not spend on arranging different devices to attain various browser combinations.

Rather one device can be used to create different accounts, through which the purpose could be solved.

No additional software is required for the process, which makes it, even more, cost-friendly for the site owners. 

This is how the web designers, web developers, website owners, QA testers are benefitted in general.

Hence, using a web browser emulator for testing is the most steady way to test your website’s performance.