How to Make an Apple Store Genius Bar Appointment

Maybe you’ve dropped your iPhone, or your MacBook suffers from the infamous sticky keys problem. The point is that no matter how tech-savvy you are, there are some things you can’t fix by simply googling the solution to your problem. There are times when you actually need help.

If for whatever reason, you need tech support for your Apple device, you can set an appointment with your local Apple store.

In this article, we’re going to teach you how.


Making a Genius Bar Appointment

Although it could work, taking your broken device straight to the Apple store may not be the best solution. You will need to give them your information and then sit and wait for an available technician — or, as Apple likes to call them, a Genius.

Even though you may luck out and only be forced to wait for a couple of minutes, it is not unusual to have to wait hours for an appointment to become available. Luckily there’s a better solution: making an appointment ahead of time.

Of course, when we talk about making an appointment ahead of time, we’re talking about making an appointment only after actually breaking, or finding a problem with, your device.

This means that there is no guarantee that an appointment will be available quicker than if you went to the Apple store.

The advantage of making an appointment ahead of time is that you won’t have to wait around the store for possibly hours.


Making an Appointment With Your iPhone or iPad

If the problem you’re trying to fix isn’t affecting your iPhone or iPad, or if it has a problem but is still functional.

Or even if you manage to find a spare one, you can make a Genius Bar appointment straight from the device.

apple genius bar appointment

The only thing you’ll need is the Apple Support app, which you can download from the AppStore.

After downloading and installing the app, you will need to press the “Get Started” button.

apple welcome screen

You will then get to the “Get Support” page, where you’ll be able to see a list of every Apple device you are signed onto with your Apple id.

Please note that you’ll only be able to make an actual appointment for hardware-related issues. If your problem is software related you will either need to go to the Apple store yourself or to call or have a chat with the Apple Support team.

apple support

Just choose the device that has an issue and press the “Get Support” button, which is at the bottom of the screen, and then follow the prompts to select the specific problem with your device.

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Bring in for Repair


Depending on your problem, you will see the recommended option at the top of the screen. If you wish to get the device an Apple technician to look into it, you will need to select the “Bring in for Repair” option, pressing the “Find Locations Now” button underneath it.

Again, depending on your issue, the repair option might not be displayed straight away. Apple might want to have a chat with you or to call them, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t book an appointment anyway — to do so you’ll just have to search for a bit.

If the “Bring in for Repair” option does not display, there’s a chance that it might be hidden underneath the “See all” option next to “Get More Help”.


apple chat box


Scrolling down the list of the available options you will eventually see the “Bring in for Repair” option. Tap the button for the app to display the closest Apple Stores with Genius Bar (not every Apple Store has them).


apple appointment locations


If you prefer, you can also press the “Map” button at the top. Instead of a list, you’ll see the actual physical location of the Apple Stores.

When you’ve found your store, tap it and then choose your preferred time and date for the appointment.


apple location sample




Afterwards you’ll see the “Summary” page, where you’ll be able to see the details of your appointment. Make sure everything is as you want it to be and press the “Reserve” button.

That’s it. You’ve successfully made your Apple Genius Bar appointment. Just head to the store at the appropriate time and date and let them fix your device.

But what if you don’t have access to your iPhone or iPad? How do you set up an appointment?


Setting Up an Appointment From Your Browser

There’s the obvious chance that the reason why you’re trying to set up a Genius Bar appointment is that you’ve broken your iOS device. If that’s the reason, then you won’t be able to download the Apple Support app.

If that’s the case, don’t worry — you can also set up appointments straight from your regular web browser.

First, you will need to go to the Apple Support website and choose the device you’re having an issue with. Alternatively, you can also type in your issue into the search bar.

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apple support page


After choosing your device and finding your issue, press the “Start a repair request today” button, as depicted below.

Then, to set up the appointment, just press the “Bring in for Repair” button and follow the on-screen prompts. It’s very similar to the iOS option. You’ll select your preferred Apple Store and the time and date that’s more convenient to you.


Sending in Your Device

There’s a third, more complicated option when it comes to having your device fixed by certified Apple technicians. You can choose to ship them your device.

The main advantage is that you won’t have to go to set up an appointment, nor go to an Apple Store. The drawback is that you’ll need to ship in your device, wait for it to arrive at the repair station, wait for it to be fixed, and wait for the device to get back to you.

Remember that just the repair process can take up to 5 business days. This shouldn’t be an option if time is of the essence.

However, if you wish to do so (you may not have an Apple Store near your house), remember to properly back up and wipe your device — if you’re able to.



As you can see, setting up a Genius Bar appointment is very easy and saves you all that waiting around for an available technician. If the Apple Store is close to your house, then there’s no harm in seeing if they can take your device straight away, but otherwise you’ll be saving a trip — and lots of time.

Hope we were able to help, let us know how your experience went.