30 Best Technology Blogs – You Must Know About

Electronic gadgets and other tech industry consumer products have become an integral part of everyday life. If you want to stay up-to-date about the latest news and trends in the tech industry, here are the top 30 technology blogs. 

1. VentureBeat

URL of blog: https://venturebeat.com/

VentureBeat covers the latest technology news and events. The blog helps  entrepreneurs and executives make smart decisions through research and insights of the latest tech and gaming trends.


2. Top Tech News


URL of blog: https://www.toppctech.com/

Top PC Tech is a blog where you will find PC tech reviews for a varying range of products such as monitors, speakers, headphones, microphones, laptops, graphic cards, and so on. The reviews on this blog are in-depth and have a sense of authority about them. 


3. Sticky Static

stickystaticURL of blog: https://stickystatic.com/

StickyStatic is popular for its networking guides and networking equipment reviews. They want to help you find the best modem and wireless router for a better home or office network. 


4. Top 10 Best Budget

top10bestbudgetURL of blog: https://top10bestbudget.com/

As the name suggests, this blog serves only one type of blog posts i.e., top 10 lists for best budget items. They blog about a lot of stuff including hoverboards, projectors, cameras, drones, keyboards, and gaming hardware. They also do lists on kids, home improvement, and hunting.


5. Computer Realm

computerrealmURL of blog: https://www.computer-realm.net/

Computer Realm helps tech enthusiasts make the most of their computer. They review computer hardware, software, and provide comprehensive troubleshooting guides. Computer Realm has a loyal readership as they regularly update their blog with new tips and tricks. 


6. TekkiBytes

tekkibytesURL of blog: https://tekkibytes.com/

TekkiByes is a technology blog by Soumik Ghosh.He usually blogs about the internet. You will find honest product reviews, useful tips, and internet marketing articles on this blog. 


7. Technographx

technographxURL of blog: https://technographx.com/

Technographx is a great place for gadget lovers. They talk about the latest gadgets, provide in-depth reviews, and offer a deep insight on tech industry in India.


8. TechDoze

techdozeURL of blog: https://www.techdoze.net/

TechDoze is a tech blog run by Dragos and his girlfriend Iona. They’re passionate about brands, concepts, technology, and media. They picked up blogging as a hobby a few years back and they’ve kept at it since then. 


9. BestPanicAlarm

bestpanicalarmURL of blog: https://bestpanicalarm.com/

Best Panic Alarm provides you security product reviews so that you can have a safe and secure life. They write about everything from security alarms to digital security safes. Apart from reviews, readers can find a lot of useful tips and tricks on this blog. 


10. TechBuzzTalk

techbuzztalkURL of blog: https://techbuzztalk.com/

Tech Buzz Talk is about technology and business. They talk about how technology connects with business and takes it to another level by optimizing it. They also blog about new technologies and how to implement them in your business to give it a profitable boost. 


11. SheBytes

shebytesURL of blog: http://shebytes.com/

SheBytes is Rene Schmidt’s personal blog where she provides insight into new and upcoming technologies. At the same time, she shares her commentary on the existing technology and its use in various fields of life especially media and marketing. 

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12. TechPrevue

techprevueURL of blog: https://www.techprevue.com/

TechPrevue is a technology blog that focuses on web technology. It provides a handy list of posts about implementing the latest technologies to your online business. TechPrevue also reviews popular gadgets.


13. AppAndApplications

AppsAndApplicationsURL of blog: http://appsandapplications.com/

AppsAndApplications is a blog dedicated to the mobile and PC apps. They review Android, iOS, and Windows apps. Android and iPhone owners will also find useful tips and tricks that could help them make the most of their gadgets. 


14. 3nions

3nionsURL of blog: https://www.3nions.com/

3nions keeps its readers updated about everything related to tech industry. Whether it’s an algorithm update on YouTube or some new fancy gadget is making waves, 3nions will blog about it. Their How-to articles are especially great.


15. Gigaom

gigaomURL of blog: https://gigaom.com/

Gigaom is another popular tech blog that offers insightful reports and analysis. The blog targets business leaders who want to learn about the latest technologies so that they can measure their impact on business. The blog also covers startup and tech news. 


16. BGR

bgrURL of blog: https://bgr.com/

BGR came to life in 2006 when Internet personality Jonathan Geller, a.k.a ‘Boy Genius’, decided to turn his column into a blog at the age of 19. Over time, BGR has become America’s No.1 source for consumer technology enthusiasts who want to stay ahead of the rest. 


17. Ubergizmo

ubergizmoURL of blog: https://www.ubergizmo.com/

Ubergizmo keeps its homepage updated with the latest technology and gadget news. Apart from tech news, readers particularly like product reviews and detailed buying guides that regularly feature on the website. A detailed tutorials section helps readers solve their everyday tech/gadgets issues easily. 


18. Extreme Tech

extremetechURL of blog: https://www.extremetech.com/

Extreme Tech focuses keeps the readers updated about the latest happenings in science and technology industry. The blog reviews software and hardware and provide detailed buying guides for futuristic gadgets. 


19. iDrop News

idropnewsURL of blog: http://idropnews.com

iDrop News is a go-to place for Apple enthusiasts for latest news, reviews, how-to articles, rumours, and giveaways. It’s a buzzing place where readers always have something related to Apple to read. They cover everything from news and gadgets to trends and lifestyle as long as it’s got an ‘Apple’ somewhere. 


20. TechReport

thetechreportURL of blog: https://techreport.com

The Tech Report is a popular destination for news and reviews related to the latest computing hardware. This dedicated blog also has an active forum with valuable discussions about the latest hardware. 


21. TechInAsia

techinasiaURL of blog: https://www.techinasia.com/

TechInAsia is a popular technology website that covers events, media, and jobs. It keeps readers updated about the latest happenings in Asia in the tech industry. With a mission to build and serve tech enthusiasts in Asia, TechInAsia is an inspiring blog for tech startup community. 


22. MacRumors

macrumorsURL of blog: https://www.macrumors.com/

MacRumors covers the latest news, gossip, and trends from the Apple world. The blog has an extensive library of to-dos that stay up-to-date with new tricks and tutorials for Apple users. Additionally, it reviews the latest Apple products and provides comprehensive buying guides.

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23. The Loop

theloopURL of blog: https://www.loopinsight.com/

The Loop keeps its readers updated about the latest news about Apple but that’s not where it excels. The blog is popular for its well-balanced coverage of critical and important topics. Articles on this blog are thought-provoking and in-depth. 


24. The Inquirer

theinquirerURL of blog: https://www.theinquirer.net/

The Inquirer, started by Mike Magee, focuses on news and reviews that matter for tech buffs. The blog offers in-depth articles about the latest gadgets. It actively publishes reviews and research articles about the latest technology and devices. 


25. The Register

theregisterURL of blog: https://www.theregister.co.uk/

The Register provides tech and science news for IT professionals and enthusiasts. This global online publication focuses mainly on hardware, software, AI, and tech services.Occasionally, The Register publishes content about science, tech culture, and engineering. 


26. Make Tech Easier

maketecheasierURL of blog: https://www.maketecheasier.com

Make Tech Easier is a perfect blog for anyone looking for hacks, fixes, how to articles, and tutorials on most things related to the computer. The blog tries to simplify complicated tech stuff so that everyone can make things right at their own. The blog started in 2007 when Damien Oh decided to share his tech knowledge with others. 


27. Software Testing Help

softwaretestinghelpURL of blog: https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/

Vijay started Software Testing Help nearly a decade ago. He shares his knowledge with the testing community and writes many helpful guides for software testers. He also provides free ebooks, resources, and courses for his loyal readers. 


28. Zawodny

zawodnyURL of blog: http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/

Zawodny is a staffer at Craigslist and once he served as a MySQL guru at Yahoo. Zawodny is his personal blog where he writes smart and witty stuff related to tech industry. Although his blog has a huge following, Zawodny has been busy recently and has added much to his blog this year. 


29. Database Programmer

thedatabaseprogrammerURL of blog: http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/

Database Programmer is a blog by Kenneth Downs who has been a database guru since the early ‘90s. So naturally you expect to find a lot of knowledge here that Kenneth loves to share with his followers. His blog posts are usually very detailed and cover the topic well. 


30. Into Windows

intowindowsURL of blog: https://www.intowindows.com/

Into Windows is a blog that focuses entirely on topics related to Microsoft Windows OS. Here, you will find everything from how-to guides, helpful articles, useful tips, and some quirky tricks. 


31. The Windows Club

thewindowsclubURL of blog: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/?utm_source=ss_serp

The Windows Club, a blog by Anand Khanse who is a Microsoft MVP, focuses on Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7 operating system.  You will find many useful tips, information, and other useful articles on this blog.